Saturday, 10 March 2012

Wow its 2012 and new album almost done!

Hey peeps, i know, im a bit rubbish at doing all these things that are now expected of artists in an internet savvy world so i do apologis for not writing a blog for over a year. a lot has happened in that time..i became a dad, Pure Gold got released on Z to a lot of criticial acclaim started an online session keyboard service EZkeys and if this wasnt enough, i've now almost completed the 3 rd JD73 album, 'Make Your Move'..

Theres a lot riding on this album for me, particularly as its the first album that ive penned entirely myself. I've been honing my lyric writing skills and production skills, expanding my studio and focusing on getting parts laid down all at once. There was also a very clear objective musically and lyrically with this new album. Musically i wanted to show a more stripped down, deeper yet groovier side of JD73 so its tougher beats, lots of rolling Moog basslines, less of a disco vibe and just generally a bit more soulful. Its turned out exactly as i hoped and im determined that this will be THE definitve JD73 album in terms of laying out what this project is about. The other main objective was to showcase local talent around the Leeds area. So theres Miss Modest, Fraser and Ella May (who sang killers from Pure Gold such as Pure Gold, Fantasy and Think Twice, alongside Pete Simpson (Sunburst Band and many other acts) who has delivered an absolutely outstanding performance on the first single 'Don't Wanna Lose This Feeling'.. There are also some other new vocalists about to record their parts that you'll soon know about! Anyway...This is not your run of the mill, generic soul that i feel all too many people make these days, this is proper proper soul music made in 2012 with a strong looking 4ward vibe but a hark to the past..As for a release of the album, thats still up in the air. I may do it myself, i may get a deal but the one thing thats different this time is its totally my vision the way i want it to be heard and so i assure you it will not disappoint! Back soon...